Tuesday, December 15, 2009

New Offices -- Jan's Cake

On the Street

Hangin' around the street corner.

Pitchin' pennies.

Up to no good.

Therese in the mirror.

The mirror thru the window.

Ann sets up her massage bed in Will's office.

Jan and the cake.

Aurelia, Leslie and Ann getting cozy.

When do we eat?

Bruce seranades Jan.

Bruce dares me to take a picture.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Loscon 36

Ellen the Victorian Adventure Woman (as someone called me). I rose above the radar with this outfit. After years of being the stealth fan, it was disconcerting to have people looking at me and commenting on my costume. ;->

Rocky and his mistress, with Bill in the background. Rocky is a perennial favorite. He's got three or four new outfits every year, with something splashy in the Masquerade.

Steampunk Wonderwoman -- fantastic costume.

She's a costumer, so gave us a detailed rundown on her costume. She was also at the Steampunk Con in Seattle(?) earlier this year. 80% of the participants were costumed, many of them with working parts!

I liked her parasol.

Checking out a nice steamy parasol.

Sometimes it was better with flash, sometimes it wasn't.
Two Adventurous Gentlemen.

Rocky takes a break in the Dealer's Room.

The "Spiderman", an adventurous spider hunter whose quarry got the better of him.

The Ice Cream Social (what there was of it -- they ran out of ice cream 15 minutes into it. Part of the general poor planning we experienced all weekend. (Double booking panelists was another.)

Making me some rum raisin ice cream with liquid nitrogen, always fun to watch.
Found it humorous.

Bill doing Regency Dancing.

Being a gentleman, Bill leant his hat to a young lady who was dancing the male role with her sister.

One of WETA's kewl steampunk guns.

A consumate shopper with a definite steampunk eye.
Rocky again.
Folk Harpist Moira. She has an operatic voice (she did selections from Phantom and Cats to show it off). She had a nice selection but she talked more than she sang.
More to come. 8-]

Day ?? -- I've officially lost count. ;->

Progress is slow now, with light switches and trim and blinds to be done.

The first set of blinds in Joe's office.

Outside Joe's office.

Looking up the hall from the back. Torn up area visible in the kitchen.

Torn up wall in the front office. Considering our options before closing it back up.

Torn up wall in the kitchen, where a sink will go?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 24

Translucent Ceiling Panels 8-]

So it turns out you can get translucent ceiling panels (among other things). It's hard to take a picture of a light, but these panels are glowing from the skylights in the roof. These are the samples in Steph's office.

There's glass in the windows and knobs on the doors!

Flash off the glass in Bruce's office.

Same shot without the flash.

Bill and Jan watching the Muppets' Bohemian Rhapsody video.

The hazmatty guy working in the airlock.

This is getting a little old.